Mandatory statement of the obvious: Clicking a link to eBay or other affiliations may earn me a commission if a purchase is made.
I will use this money to buy more motorbike stuff, petrol and beer. But mostly beer. Cheers!


Lockdown III and Future Planning

Like many of you, there’s been very little riding happing here at Beginner Biker Adventures, lockdown blues combined with the winter’s miserable weather and dark nights have scuppered any chance of motorcycling therapy.

Mary commuting on bike, but not a fun ride

Our Christmas and New Year break a quiet family affair, just Mary, myself and the kids. No visits from extended Grandparents or family and all festivities rescheduled due to Mary working in ICU on the Christmas Eve and Day. No bother really, every day blends into the next at the moment. Beyond that, there’s just been the usual monotony of working from home, homeschooling the kids and the craziness Mary’s been dealing with in the hospital ICU. The commute may have kept her riding, but the A406 North Circular is hardly a fun ride and the only daylight ride was after a night shift.

Most action my bike has seen lately

Again like many, such times cooped up at home have made us reevaluate priorities and question the future and where/how we want to live. From the obvious things like decluttering and renovating our immediate living conditions to the longer-term things of where we want to be in years to come. Mary’s now completed her nurse retraining (after a diversion into Law and academia for the last 10+ years) and is now looking for fresh nursing positions. My daughter’s chosen her GCSE options and is already thinking ahead to University! Family meetings were held and plans were formed – primarily a house sale and potential migration from London to Scotland.

Family meetings were held and plans were formed – a migration from London to Scotland

Initially, we’re thinking of a move in 2023 to fit best around kids schooling and catch the free University education for them. That also gives us time to ready the house for sale, straighten out finances, investigate schools and explore potential locations (likely in the Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling triangle). There’s no shortage of NHS jobs across the country and I can work remote – I have for the last year and work has facilitated many of my colleagues remote working even prior to the pandemic. It will, however, mean leaving many good friends behind in London, though we do already have friends around Edinburgh.

In the meantime, house renovations are afoot, improvements to add value and generally smarten things up, beginning with a new bathroom. With no riding at weekends, at least I can catch up on those DIY chores and maintenance jobs that have been put off. Hardly rock’n’roll, but definitely an exciting end goal.

Have you kicked off any big life plans during the lockdowns? Are you from Scotland, I’d love to hear your recommendations on good locations?

Share with your buddies!

By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

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