How time flies when you’re having fun!

I can’t believe it was 10 years ago when I embarked on my motorcycling adventure. Back then, I was fed up commuting into London on the tube, so I took my wife’s advice (yep, she’s always right!) and learnt to ride a motorbike.
Life has changed dramatically since then, I well and truly converted, now a die-hard biker. For many years I commuted into central London, toured in far-flung locations, went on track days, and did a spot of off-road riding, and throughout I was always looking to better my riding skills with further training. I’ve also made so many great friends within the biking community, it really is just one big family.

Mary got herself back on two wheels after a few years’ break allowing us to share our biking interest and enjoy some fun times together. The kids grew up fast, also joined us on the bikes and are now contemplating their first motorbikes. Guess that’s what happens when you start ‘um young!
So many great memories have come out of our motorcycling adventures over the last decade. I’ve travelled far more than I ever did prior, I’ve seen some amazing places I’d probably have never visited otherwise. From around the UK, Wales, and Scotland, to far away in California, Yosemite and Australia, You just can’t beat a motorbike for getting out there and exploring far more and seeing amazing stuff off the beaten track.
What do the next 10 years have in store? I might not be commuting by bike anymore, but more tours and travel are on the list. I’ve put my name down for Blood Biking, which should be another interesting and new challenge. I’ll also be helping my kids get on the road and kick off their own adventures.
Below are a few snaps from some of the most memorable riding moments from the past decades. Thanks for tagging along for the ride and for all your support.