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Gear Reviews

ABUS Granit Detecto XPlus 8077 Disc Lock Alarm Review

The ABUS Granit Detecto XPlus 8077 is a big chunky, yellow disc lock alarm with a chunky long name. But, as we already have big chunky security chains, why did we buy this disc lock which is surely not as effective? Yes, it’s true, chaining your bike to something does make it more secure, but lugging a 10kg of chain and padlock around where ever you go is less than ideal. Especially as a Givi Monokey top box is officially only rated for 10kg…

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Thus, the choice to use a disc lock that is easier to transport and still reasonably effective as a theft deterrent is appealing. For example, when out for a quick blast to seaside chip chop and don’t want to take a huge top box or when touring and you’re already carrying tonnes of luggage, the last thing you want to pack is a huge chain as well. Far easier to just squeeze in this little disc lock amongst all the other luggage. That and spotting this lock reduced on Amazon Prime sealed the deal.

Abus Granit Detecto X Plus 8077 Disc Lock Alarm

The ABUS 8077 Disc Lock Alarm in Use

This ABUS 8077 weighs in at 880g and comes with a nice padded pouch to transport it in, so definitely wins on ease of transportation. It’s supplied with two keys, with one of the key fobs incorporating a handy LED light to help you unlock your bike in the dark, definitely a good idea.

Using the lock is straightforward; key in, open it up, pop it through your brake disc, then clamp it shut – job done. The holes on Mary’s CBF500 brake disc were pretty tight for the locks 13mm locking bolt, so it took a bit of wiggling to fit it. Fitting to my Fazer was much easier, however. It’s generally advised to apply to the rear disc to make it harder to attack, however, our CBF500 rear brake disc doesn’t have any handy holes suitable, so check suitability on your bike. Once locked in place, it gives off a single beep to indicate the alarm is armed. As the disc lock typically hangs down from the brake disc, unlocking can be a little fiddle as you try to find the keyhole beneath without nudging off the alarm.

Abus Granit Detecto X Plus 8077 Disc Lock openThe alarm is pretty sensitive with even a minor nudge causes it to give off a warning beep. A further nudge and it will kick off making a full-on racket! The stats reckon it’ll put out 100dB in 15-second blasts, it’s certainly plenty loud considering it’s powered by just two AA batteries. Battery changing is fairly straightforward, just needs the battery holder prising out with a couple of kitchen knives whilst it is unlocked.

Abus Granit Detecto X Plus 8077 Disc Lock reminder bungieI picked up an elastic lock reminder bungee after hearing many stories of people forgetting to remove their disc locks and attempting to pull away… To be honest, the sensitivity and noise of the alarm are enough to prevent you from doing this.

Normally the ABUS 8077 disc lock alarm retails for between £100-£140 ish, but I picked it up for £70 as an Amazon Prime special. Still not cheap, especially when you consider 1.5m of Pragmasis 16mm chain and a Squire padlock sets you back £160 and will let you chain your bike to something solid to afford greater security. Ultimately, this ABUS disc lock alarm fits a specific use case where you need some security away from home when lugging a huge chain just isn’t practical, and this covers it well.

Long Term Update

Four years later, this ABUS 8077 disc lock alarm is still going strong. We’ve been through many battery changes, but generally get several months out of a set. I have found that very heavy rain will ingress causing it to short out, drain batteries and/or cause the alarm to fail. But a good douse of WD40, fresh batteries and some cleaning up always fixes things.

Rating: 4/5.

Buy the ABUS 8077 Granit Detecto Disc Lock from Amazon

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By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

One reply on “ABUS Granit Detecto XPlus 8077 Disc Lock Alarm Review”

please remove this item. The Abus 8077 or BMW branded variant are not fit for purpose. Mine was defeated within seconds, no sustained attack. It was left, locked next to where my new R1200GS A once stood. No grinders no heavy tools. Simply removed and discarded.

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