After buying a second-hand bike it’s always best to give it a thorough service to ensure it’s in tip-top condition and there are no ugly surprises. The seller had informed me this CFB500 was due its yearly service, so I set about completing all the usual chores: new air filter, oil change and new filter, new spark plugs, cleaning brakes, checking clutch/throttle play, checking chain tension, emptying breather tubes and generally greasing everything as needed. I like the Haynes manuals for jobs like this, both as a checklist of jobs and for info on bike specifics.
I also gave the carburettors a balance and doused the bike in ACF50 whilst I had the tank off. Being a twin, balancing the two carbs was a doddle. A quick whizz round the block confirmed everything was running sweet and a well-deserved cuppa was in order.
Finally, I jacked the bike up and started trying to remove the rear shock, with a view to getting it refurbished and swapping on a lowering link. The top bolt came off easy, however, the bottom bolt is proving to be a right pain. The nut came off OK, but it would seem the bolt is seized solid to the shock collar and bearing. 🙁
I’ve tried hammering it to shock the rust-free, covered it in a penetrative spray for many days, vinegar, a long lever on the bolt head (which promptly rounded off), a blow torch on it and a whole pile of sweat and frustration.
Certainly makes me wonder if a previous owner was fond of pressure washers or whether just the lack of rear hugger is to blame.
I have more anti-seize/rust spray on order (Wurth Rost Off Ice), failing that it could be time for power tools, drill it out or a hack saw. Watch this space…
One reply on “Servicing the Honda CBF500”
Guys I need some assistance and advice. I removed the front springs and now I’m having trouble putting the spacers back in. I tried to use a G clamp but still no luck. Any advice how I can compress the spring spacers and put the nut back on?