Mandatory statement of the obvious: Clicking a link to eBay or other affiliations may earn me a commission if a purchase is made.
I will use this money to buy more motorbike stuff, petrol and beer. But mostly beer. Cheers!


Mugshot in a Mag

On my last visit to Oval Motorcycle Centre, I ran into a photographer from Practical Sportsbikes magazine and ended up as an impromptu model for some shots. Well, they only put my ugly mug in print…

Practical SportsBikes OMC Article page2_closeupHere I am in a fetching red boiler suit (OMC supplied) being shown by onsite guru Matt how to sort out my forks.

Read the full article in the May edition of Practical Sportsbikes, or just pop down OMC and check your bike out.

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By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

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