Mandatory statement of the obvious: Clicking a link to eBay or other affiliations may earn me a commission if a purchase is made.
I will use this money to buy more motorbike stuff, petrol and beer. But mostly beer. Cheers!


Spring Update

ST55 LFNThese last few weeks have been busy, but unfortunately rather mundane. A running theme of work, juggling kids, gloomy weather and being skint haven’t made for much excitement. Commuting through the winter is not a fun ride, but at least we’re starting to gain more light in the evenings now. Glad I went for the super bright Fluro helmet now. I am however getting more and more pissed off at idiots using mobiles whilst driving. See the shot from my helmet cam, this idiot was even stupid enough to opt for a super bright blue mobile that can be seen miles away! With the Met Police currently running their RoadSafe website to pass on the info, it’d be rude not to do something with all the juicy film footage I collect daily.

On the plus side, my IAM course has been going well. I’ve now completed the theory evening sessions and have my last ride of the structured block this coming weekend. From then on, it’ll be all practice and working towards the test. Practice is something I’ve been struggling to fit in, with most spare weekend time spent with family or playing Daddy Daycare whilst my wife desperately tries to finish writing up her PhD. Although I commute every day into town, there are a lot of skills and situations I just don’t get a chance to practice. Also managed to blag a free BikeSafe day with the Met Police, through a new employer-based initiative, see the BikeSafe Facebook page for more info. Won’t be as in-depth as IAM, but still a highly recommended day.

Leaking Fork SealsThe Fazer has held up well throughout the winter, not that we get much of that down here in London. Although the sprocket carrier bearing collapsed on me and the fork seals started leaking. Replacement seals have been purchased ready for fitting, along with some Hel brake lines and fresh oil and filter. I can feel another OMC trip coming on. But alas time and money have been the delaying factors again.

Spring is upon us and the weather is definitely getting warmer, I can’t wait to switch back to leathers and forget about problems with glasses steaming up. I’ve also been having a bit of a spring clear out, flogging various items of bike clothing on eBay; knackered old gear, stuff bought which didn’t quite fit right and items replaced with better gear. Not been the easiest to sell, everyone wants a mega bargain. But with patience, gear purchased second-hand has sold for close to what I paid, but new items have depreciated a lot. Nonetheless, cleared some space and raised a little cash.

The ongoing court case for my incident in October 2013 is still ongoing, still waiting to hear from the court about a date for proceedings. However, the defendant has thus far failed to file a defence… This leaves me wondering if he’s just rubbish, having a change of heart or just been bluffing all along. Not going to hold my breath either way.

And finally, I’m pleased to say we are now a SportsBikeShop affiliate, a decent retailer from whom I’ve ordered numerous items in the past and have always been impressed with their service and prices. So, go on pop by and check out their stuff.

Share with your buddies!

By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

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