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I will use this money to buy more motorbike stuff, petrol and beer. But mostly beer. Cheers!


Sixth Sense Skills – Tip 14 – Fail :(

What a shit morning. My biker sixth sense wasn’t with me today…

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Whilst quietly filtering through some suburban traffic approaching the A13 I managed to drop the bike. Again. I was just about to start filtering past a queue of traffic when a car decides to do the same thing and pulls out on me. I panic braked, locked up the front wheel and down she went. All very low speed (as usual), didn’t even hit another car, they just carried on oblivious. Grrr. Totally smashed the fairing, crash bars did their job, but various other bits are scuffed.


New fairing is on order, but a bit skint now, so do us a favour and click on some of my banners and affiliate links. Much appreciated.

Share with your buddies!

By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

3 replies on “Sixth Sense Skills – Tip 14 – Fail :(”

Recently I discovered your site with some interesting topics. I also own a FAZER600 (2002) and it’s my first bike. I have a belly pan with crash pads (bike design) mounted above the pan. Not so nice as crash pads on the belly pan. I can’t find the correct brackets needed to mount the crash pads on the belly pan. I suppose the brackets need to be stiffer than just the brackets that support the belly pan. Would you be so kind to provide me a picture how your crash pads an belly pan were mounted on the frame ?



Only considering becoming a noob and learning lots. Very grateful really but feel the need to point out that’s a right turn lane for traffic in the opposition direction in front of you so you were about to overtake at a junction. Bad karma.

You are right, I shouldn’t have attempted an overtake on a junction, definitely not the best move in the book. The car in front attempting the same move certainly didn’t help either. Hey-ho, you live and learn.

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