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Maintenance Day, Fairing Swap, Crash Bars Fitted

Yamaha Fazer Fairing SwapIt’s been a busy and productive afternoon, I managed to grab a few hours and some nice weather to tackle some jobs I’ve been waiting todo for some time. I swapped over my new genuine Yamaha fairing and fitted some genuine Yamaha crash bars.

You may have previously read how I had picked up a Fibreglass fairing copy, which I had been meaning to send to a local spray shop. Time and money delayed that, however in the mean time Yamaha had drastically reduced the prices of their fairings, from £450 to £180, with these supplied fully painted. With a spray shop quote coming in at around £100-120, it was a no brainer.

I still need to source some decals and swap the Yamaha tuning fork badge on the front, but all in all a reasonably straight forward job to swap everything over.

FazerFairingSwap2The next job on my list was to fit some genuine Yamaha crash bars I managed to pick up cheap off Ebay DE. These are the slightly smaller, lower engine guard bars (model number: 5RT-W0741-00).

Yamaha Fazer Crash Bars/Engine GuardsThe first job was to remove the old crash bobbins from my now trashed belly pan. These bobbins really had taken a beating, with one actually falling off last time I had the bike at a garage for tyre change! I’d obviously bent it and hammered it back so much that the join between the bobbin and its bracket was knackered. It would have done nothing in the event of the bike going down.

Fitting the crash bars was a breeze, with the hardest part being the slotting a spanner between the down pipes to grip the bolts on the ends of the replacement engine mounting bolts. The bar may not be quite a nice looking as the original belly pan, but they should be a lot more practical and provide far more protection if (when!) I crash again.

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By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

2 replies on “Maintenance Day, Fairing Swap, Crash Bars Fitted”

Hi. I had a spill on my 2002 fazer 600 and have been trying to find a new fairing. The only ones I’ve found are the copy on eBay and brand new one for £450. Can I ask where you picked up your new fairing from? Was it direct from a dealer?

Yes, direct from dealer, Sondel Yamaha (down in Sidcup, South London), who were local so I could collect it. However going by recent natter over on the and it would seem most dealers will offer you one at this price. But one or two with old stock are still trying to flog them at the old price. I think the older ‘box-eye’ version is a spot more expensive, just over £200. FWIW I was quoted £70 for a pair of replacement decals though.

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