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I will use this money to buy more motorbike stuff, petrol and beer. But mostly beer. Cheers!


Cheap Motorcycle Gear at Aldi

Aldi-Neck-TubesThis week Aldi supermarket are doing lots of basic motorcycle gear cheap. Pop by and check it out. Details of what’s on offer can be found here.

My wife had a quick look, came back with a couple of different neck tubes. Seem reasonable, though not super thick, but very cheap. They also have some Kevlar trousers, but very thin denim and minimal padding on knees only.

Still, you might find something useful.

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By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

2 replies on “Cheap Motorcycle Gear at Aldi”

I popped over to Aldi when this was on – they had a good range of gear available but I feel as if, for most things, it’s only money well spent if you’ve only just starting riding and can’t afford much else.

I did, however, have a look at the armoured textile trousers they had to offer to replace my old ones, but in the end I questioned how waterproof they would really be and thought you probably just get what you pay for.

Having said that, when I first started riding a number of years ago, I bought my first pair of motorcycle boots from Lidl’s stall at the BMF show for just £11 and truth be told, they’re the most waterproof boots I ever owned – even more waterproof than the £200 Alpinestars I currently wear! Although after a while, I did end up buying some different boots in favour of better ankle protection.

Got to agree with you there, most of it did seem ‘get what you pay for’. Found the base layers and neck gaiters quite rough, not very fitted and not that comfortable. That said, I’m getting on well with the base layers from Lidl. More like thick denier tights, but comfy and unobtrusive. Plus I look like I’ve just stepped off Tron!

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