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Passed Theory Test

The first step in my journey to getting on a motorbike is the theory test. Although I have a full car driving license and undertook a theory test many years ago for that, I still have to complete a motorcycle specific theory test. It is in fact very similar to the current car theory test but with the addition of a few motorbike specific questions.

The test starts with a whole bunch of multiple choice questions, mostly general highway code stuff. Then followed by a short passage of text describing someone driving through various scenarios with a sequence of associated questions. Finally there is the hazard perception test, a series of short videos during which you must click the mouse button as soon as you see a hazards start to unfold on the screen. You are scored on the number you spot and how soon you spotted them.

Example multiple choice question

To revise for this test, I read the highway code a few times, run through a few sample tests on the DSA website and watched several sample hazard perception videos on YouTube. The test isn’t hard, but do prepare and read instructions carefully. There is a real lack of motorbike specific practise materials out there, but so much of the car test is shared so ultimately it’s not a big issue. There are numerous places selling practice materials, but if you hunt around there is enough stuff free, like here.

Key Things to Remember

  • You need a provisional motorcycle license to book the test.
  • You must take both paper and photo part of your license along to the test.
  • After passing, your certificate will expire after 2 years. So don’t hang about completing the rest of your motorbike test.

Book your Theory Test here.


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By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

2 replies on “Passed Theory Test”

Although you’ve said the theory test isn’t hard, I wouldn’t get complacent and underestimate it.
I think taking the paper part of your license is the most forgotten part of the test, I’ve been in the theory room many times and a fair few times I’ve seen someone without it.

Good point. I’d also advise getting a gist of the hazard perception test before hand. When I was there, some lady had failed because she just continually clicked the button non stop all the way through…

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